Valentine Heart Potted Rose - 5.5 Litre Pot
Valentine Heart 'Dicogle' Potted Rose - 5.5 Litre Pot
Floribunda Rose
- Magnificent clusters of soft pink flowers with attractive frilly edged petals. Pleasantly perfumed.
- Strong and bushy with glossy dark-green foliage.
- Grow in the UK.
Planting Instructions:
Choose an open, bright and sunny location with well-drained soil. Check that the soil in the container is moist and that the rose has been well watered. Prepare the soil in which your rose is to be planted by digging over and adding some well rotted farmyard manure/ compost or bonemeal, ensuring that these are well mixed with the soil before planting. Then dig a hole large enough so as not to damage the root-ball. If the pot is not biodegradable remove this before planting. Position the rose in the hole and fill in firming down and then watering well. Continue to water frequently in dry spells. Feed each Spring and Summer with a high potash fertiliser. Remove fading flowers.